LED Message Centers
As technology is rapidly growing, it is expanding into the sign industry. LED message centers allow you, the customer, to have the power to display exactly the messages you want to display to its viewers. The amount of colors, fonts, pictures, videos, are endless and allow your creativity to show. The easy to use software will make you comfortable with changing your messages and easy to do. Astro can provide and install both monochromatic (red or amber) and Full color options. With an LED sign, it is important to make sure you are getting the right unit given your situations including:
- Distance from the road
- Traffic tendencies
- Municipal Guidelines
- And many more
We would love to take the opportunity to come out so we can “right fit” the unit that would be best for you. They can be installed to enhance your current sign system or built as part of a new to include many of the other sign products we have. The popularity of these signs are quickly shifting and becoming more common to see on almost all roads you drive down. Whether it is to share upcoming events, sales/specials, or to advertise your business and bring clients in, an LED Message Center would be a perfect fit.